Monday, October 14, 2013


Miraculously, I have kept up with my self-imposed mandate to publish a blog post everyday. I've written 14 days without fail. Kudos to me.

I can't say all (if any) of my posts have warranted any literary praise. But they exist in the world as testaments of my ability to put letters and symbols in patterns that can be understood by my fellow human beings.

To be honest, my thoughts are a swirling incoherent mess. I'm struggling to determine would I could congeal into a lucid entry.

How about I tell you about how I went to see the $2 palm reader of Gramercy today (you know, the one with this sign)? She told me that I needed to open my heart chakra and that I "was smiling with my face, but not my heart." However, when my friend, Silvia, and I compared notes on our readings, we found she used the same smiling line. Maybe Silvia and I are just close-hearted people. She also told me that I would die at a ripe old age of natural causes and would have a very satisfying and fulfilling life. She said she saw writing, drawing, and creativity figuring prominently in my life and sensed that I had a sort of dissatisfaction with my current line of work. Altogether, I was pretty pleased with the reading. It felt accurate, but not terrifyingly so.

Also, this song on never ending repeat is the soundtrack of my life currently:

I have loved the Wilco original for quite some time. My first week in New York after everything in the world was falling apart, the algorithm on my music playing device selected "Jesus, Etc." by Wilco while I was on the subway, and I fell apart. You know, the kind of falling apart where you are trying not to cry while a patron of public transportation, but feeling like it is okay to cry, as the lyrics "Jesus, don't cry, you can rely on me honey" played into your ears. Because really, things were going terribly wrong. I'd been told the lease had not gone through on the apartment I was suppose to move into, a piece of my tooth decided it no longer wanted to be part of the whole and chipped off, I learned I most likely have a blood clotting factor, and I was a new kid in one of the most isolating cities in the world. Even though this song was sort of a breaking point, it was just a nice release, and by the time I got to the apartment of the wonderful cousins-of-a-friend who had taken me in I felt capable of dealing with the world. (Even though I got lost after taking a bus later that evening.)

Anyway, the song is great and Norah sings it real good.

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