Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Get Me Off This Island!

Fact: The Bronx is the only of the five boroughs of New York City to be part of the contiguous United States. Manhattan is infamously its own island, Staten Island's geographic status is part of its name, and Queens and Brooklyn are part of Long Island.

Post-work I decided to join the proactive hoards that run the trails of Central Park. I donned my running attire (a blindingly chartreuse shirt and some bright red pants--the sort of outfit that makes me look like I am about to start a Christmas countdown), hopped on the subway, and ran around the park. After running for the duration of about four songs, I decided to leisurely walk and enjoy the autumn evening. Eventually, I began the sojourn back to the subway station, only to realize I had lost my metro card somewhere along the way.

I endeavored retracing my steps with no results. I tend to limit what I carry when I run, so I also had no means of accessing money. And found myself stranded on Manhattan.

Okay, I wasn't actually stranded, but I had never found a way across the Harlem River into the Bronx except by going under the river in the metro. Surely, there would be a way I could cross on foot.

And there was. I don't know why I have never walked before. There was a lovely bridge and I was able to stand above the water looking at the billboards and lights on both sides. Interestingly, this far north in the city, the tallest buildings you see are the public housing towers.

Sans metro card, I may actually walk to work tomorrow to save the $2.50 fare, and watch as much as possible until my next monthly card is issued.

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