A cloudy mist cloaked the the tops of skyscrapers, and the whole ambiance of the morning lent itself to the listening to mildly melancholy acoustic music.
I know weather talk is the apex of boring conversation, but isn't kind of beautiful how weather is an experience universally shared by everyone in a common sector of the world? (I could talk about how today had sort of a humid chill, where I was perpetually reassessing if I was hot or cold, because the air was cool, but my body would develop a thin sheen of sweat and feel warmer than the actual outdoor temperature.)
I'm also exuberant about autumn. As much as I love pumpkin spice, scarves, and colored leaves, I think the biggest reason I love fall is because the world is in such a state of change. In my student life, fall was the brink of a new year with new beginnings, new knowledge to be acquired, new friends to be made. Fall seems resplendent with the possibility that a new academic year always brought. I also love bundling up and ordering hot drinks and soups. I also start to relish the sun setting earlier. It is easier to have a night life when night begins at 6pm.
Anyway, here are some photos that captured the essence of this Sunday:

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