Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sono qui!

I am in Rome, la città eterna. I am in Rome. I am in Rome. I am in Rome. It is beautiful.

I am staying on the sixth floor an a hotel and have a massive balcony from which you can definitely expect to see me watching the sun rise. Today, besides braving the Italian train and metro system da sola, I enjoyed a legitimate Italian dinner in the hotel restuarant, and walked around with my one of my roommates Ashley.

A guy who I presumed was German because he kept saying <> (no quotation marks), wanted us, I think, to tell him the direction to the Vatican. I hope I pointed him in the correct vicinity. Yep, 6 hours in Rome and folks are already asking me for directions.

I know my day sounds mundane, but holy cow, I am reeling with giddiness about being in Rome!

I slightly enjoy the fact that I have to write this in an internet cafe (no wifi at the hotel) because the keyboard is authentically Italian, which means no quotatin marks or apostrophes.

1 comment:

  1. agh! I'm so excited for you! where are the pictures?! oh, and I guess I'm going to comment on every single thing you write so get used to it!
