Saturday, May 3, 2008

Another Interesting Character

Ah, something about traveling really makes me interested in people. I think it's because I'm surrounded by so many people I don't know. I immensely enjoy the really boisterous ones who prattle on about whatever irks or delights them. I love trying to piece together their lives.

Today, as I departed from the Day's Inn, I had a very talkative shuttle driver. It was just he and I braving the roughly 10 minutes to the airport, and he had quite a bit to say. Turns out last week, he'd been assaulted with a deadly weapon and robbed at work--at the Day's Inn as a shuttle driver/security man, the Day's Inn that I had spent the night alone in, not that I had a retroactive wave of fear or anything, but I guess you should be able to tell a motel is in an area that might be a little seedy when the lobby closes at 11 PM, and you have to check in through a class screen that is reminiscent of the glass the people who give you your movie ticket sit behind.
Anyway, he talked about the assault, and how he couldn't smile all too well because he'd had stitches where a man who wanted his wallet had hit him with a magnum, and how if he was going to die, he was going to do it standing up, and that he'd gone back to work the very next day, but that if he'd had a wife or a girlfriend they probably would have made him take the two weeks off he was entitled to.

Then he told me it was s shame he lost his wallet because there was a picture of him as an attractive 22-year-old. And he went on about his singlehood, which I don't think was a roundabout attempt of flirting with a young girl he was taking to the airport, but I couldn't tell.

The note we ended on was that his boss was going to buy him some new clothes to testify at the trial of the people who had robbed and assaulted him, and that he thinks his step-brother set him up. Hearing this guy chat was much better than anything I'd been able to find on TV last night, and the motel had HBO.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. maybe we should start carrying around pictures of us when we were attractive ten-year-olds to hit on younger men with (I'm just kidding! I'm not a creepo!). Or perhaps we should become shuttle bus drivers and live their apparant exciting and drama-filled lives.
