Thursday, May 15, 2008

So, I haven't posted a picture since I actually made it to Italy, so I moved some pictures to my jump drive, so I chose a random number and decided I would write a little schpiel about it.
Forgive my spelling of schpiel.
Anyway, my random clicking fell upon a rather somber picture, but pics take a while to load on this computer, so you get to see the plaster casts of the people who died in Pompeii when Mt. Vesuvius exploded. It really is awsome that archeologists in the 19th century were innovative enough to pour plaster over the Pompeiian citizens bodies decomposed over the millennia.
I like this snapshot because the figures were behind glass so you get the reflection of the tourists and it kind of looks like ghosts. However, that does not scare me after seeing the church of the Cappuccine monks. shiver.
Anyway, Pompeii is basically unbelievable, and these plaster images of real citizens are just the beginning. History comes freakishly alive in Pompeii. I have never been to a ghost town, but it might be similar, except hundreds to thousands of people didn't suddenly die in most ghost towns they all just moved away.
However, Pompeiian structures are evidence that people were shorter 2000 years ago. Not that I had any unpleasant encounters with doorways, but those leggy Scandanavians might.
Also, there were an odd amount of stray dogs throughout the ancient city. In my superstitious mood, I imagined they were embodiments of the Egyptian God Anubis, one of the gods of the underworld. Anyway.
More exciting blogs to follow with more pictures. I promise!

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