Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Siena è bellissima!

So, I have taken up residence in the city of Siena, and love posing as a local. One German tourist even endeavored to ask me for directions in poor Italian.

However, our first week here we met with almost perpetual rain. The rain was pretty. Picture being in this stunning medieval city with its winding streets and cobbled paths as a gentle drizzle descends from the sky. Yeah, it was beautiful, for about three days.

It is alleged that Italians don't believe in air conditioning, but during the week of rain I learned that they don't always ensure there buildings have adequate heat either. During my language classes I was freezing.

However, it was all worth it when you get to see something like this. I actually kifed this picture from a friend because my camera is incapacitated at the moment. However I did see this rainbow from a different vantage point with my own two eyes and I was able to see the whole arc as it curved over the city. GORGEOUS.

I feel inclined to quote a few lines from John Mayer here:

'Didn't have a camera by my side this time,

hoping I could see the world with both my eyes,

Maybe I will tell you all about it when I am in the mood to lose my way

but let me say you should have seen that...'

1 comment:

  1. i remember when you lit the cupcakes on fire and forgot to add sugar to a cookie recipe. my, how you've grown up!!! :)
