Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Bane of Beauty

I've put off this entry because it seemed somewhat self-absorbed. I mean to say, "I'm too pretty for my own good" is more than a little conceited.

But do you know how much free coffee I could be getting?

I have a lot of men stop me and ask if they can buy me a coffee. Once when I was in the city center I had this friendly looking man who wasn't elderly, but was definitely older than my father stop me. I thought he was simply asking for directions because his first words were, "Sei da Firenze?" Are you from Florence? I said, "No, but I live here, maybe I can help you." But he didn't need help, he just wanted to take me to get some coffee. I was busy going about my other tasks, so I rejected him.

And that was just one experience. Just last night there was a guy on the street who asked me out to dinner. He'd known me for maybe about 2 seconds before his proposed date. I wasn't too keen on going out with strangers, so I let him down.

I don't know if it is something about my comportment that makes me obviously foreign (American students do have a reputation), or if Italians are just more of the go-getter type and talking to someone is no prerequisite for a little coffee-date. The first few times getting hit on so frequently was a real self-confidence builder. Especially for this girl, but now fending off interested men has become a chore.

Ciao, bella is not as endearing as it once was. Depending on the inflection, I would translate it as, "Hey baby," especially when it is accompanied by kissing sounds. Some of these would-be boyfriends go about wooing the girl on the street in a nicer way. They use the more formal "Buongiorno" or "Buonasera bella," and don't harass you when you don't respond.

It is tough being this beautiful.


  1. roni..
    i loved this post. mostly because i feel the same way sometimes. getting hit on is flattering, but only the first few times.
    you are definitely more beautiful than me, though, so cheers and good luck keeping the men-folk away.

  2. remember how i said you should read "the sun also rises"? your post reminded me of it because they drink coffee all the time! and it made me laugh. and miss you...and remember how if you were here, we could go and see WHIP IT because i don't think jason will go see it with me :(
