Monday, February 4, 2013

i can eat cake off of a tupperware lid IF I WANT!

for those of you who are not aware, i am an adult. it is quite a thrilling realization to come upon.despite my love for sweatshirts printed with kittens and my propensity to eat cake for breakfast, i am no one's ward. anyway, as a surveyed my kingdom--all 450 feet of my studio apartment--i was basking in the insanity that is being a grown-up. not only am i an adult, but i have been a legal adult for more than six years! it seems like i should have something to show for that, like a couple of floor-crawlers with half of my dna, but i don't even have a pet (i can't handle the emotional investment of THAT so let's not even linger over the kid thing.)

so, i haven't found my life necessarily blog worthy. i have lived in the same apartment for 14 months now, worked the same job for 14 months now (well, i guess i did have a sort of promotion), blah, blah, blah. nonetheless, i really like reading everybody's blogs (especially when they get juicily personal), so i suppose i'll dump on you the news of my life.

1) i think i am developing a sinus infection. i do not really know what i sinus infection is, but i have heard of it spoken often. i assume it is like a cold that lingers in the top part of your nose and creates a mild pulsing headache in your temples, since that is what i feel and i am calling it a sinus infection.

2) i almost bought a bike on groundhog's day, but it was a day of thwarted impulses. (if they'd had a purple road bike, i may have been $500 poorer.)

3) i am going to new york city in two weeks to interview for a new york city teaching fellowship. i'm feeling weirdly complacent in salt lake city, like i could live here all of my days and be happy, but i figured there was nothing to lose but a couple hundred dollars by at least showing up for the interview and spending a weekend in the big city.

4) i cut my bangs in the bathroom of work with children's scissors. because I CAN!

5) i am trying to read some dostoevsky to enrich my mind, but it keeps putting me to sleep. so, in short, i am getting dumber, but i feel okay about that.

6) the guy who invented the etch-a-sketch passed away on February 1, 2013. i may need to buy myself an etch-a-sketch to honor andre casagne's memory.

that is all the news i am willing to share in blog form. thank you for your patronage.

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