Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Alive and in Florence

For once, my travel plans went off without a hitch. Now unexpected overnight stays in Atlanta no last minute running to a different terminal to catch the last flight to my destination. It was almost too easy.

Anyway, I was being very frugal and bought the cheapest ticket to Florence I could find. I thought, I can just sleep and relax as the great steel marvel that is the steam-engine driven train propels me to my destination. I knew I had booked a regional train and new that meant no air conditioning. I thought I could handle it. But the ride was five hours long, and sleeping was not so easy. This is because everytime we would stop, which was every 5-15 minutes the beautiful, beloved breeze would stop blowing in my face and I just sat in the blaring sunlight. I was also to afraid to fall deeply asleep because I was paranoid about things being stolen. But anyway, I made it and though my winks of sleep were few and far between they did manage to rejuvenate me and allow me to make it to my final destination.

My apartment is quite awesome. I have taken pictures and will post them as soon as our internet is up. I am currently at an internet cafe.

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